Sunday, August 10, 2008

So, we're getting married.

Finally! After seven years, we have finally decided to just do it. It's probably silly that we've waited this long, but, hey, we're doing it now.

We are getting married on our anniversary, October 20. I figured we've had the same one for this long, why try to remember a new one? So, if anybody is checking their calendars, yep, that's a Monday. And how do you get married on Monday when the bride can't take more than two days off work at a time and you are giving yourselves about two month's notice? The JOP.

We've tried for a while now to figure out the whole "how to have a wedding" thing. I finally came to the conclusion that I'm just not up for the challenge. And we could wait some more to try to plan something and to try to save up more and more money, but we just don't want to do that.

It's really more us anyway, so it kinda works. Anyway, we're really excited!

And I'll try to make Bill post something. I don't think he's figured out the whole blog thing yet.


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