Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mr. Fix-It: Friday Night Fun

We really know how to live it up on a Friday night. There are just times when you realize just how domestic you've become.

Poor B comes home to find me, on the floor with our steam cleaner on its side, trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with it.


We bought the Bissell 9500 Pro Heat 2x Clean Shot a few months ago and after not many uses, it stopped spraying the cleaning formula. We've tried cleaning it to make sure we didn't have any clogs to no avail. This was not an inexpensive machine and it's not been working for going on a month now. I was ready for the damn thing to be fixed!

So, without even changing his clothes, down on the floor with the machine B went. He too pieces apart, we called Bissell for troubleshooting, and nothing. Bissell referred us to a service shop. But that wasn't good enough for my Mr. Fix-It. He wasn't going to quit until that thing was working again.


Using the "tools of his trade"--oops, I left the flashlight out of that picture (and, see, still in work clothes)--he kept at it. It now works like a champ again. And it only took him two hours, which isn't really that bad considering.

Oh, and the culprit, clogged hoses. See, we chose not to upgrade the carpet when we had the house built. We didn't think it necessary. Boy, were we wrong. Word to the wise, if you have inside dogs, or children, ALWAYS upgrade the carpet. Between all the little munchkin hairs and the fuzz from the carpet, those hoses were good and clogged. And the troubleshooting had us check for clogs, but these clogs were in places they wouldn't normally be. So, the machine will be now be getting an even more thorough clean after each use from now on.

So, that is how we spent the first few hours of our Friday night. Don't we lead an exciting life? Now, B did get to go to his fave--Outback--for dinner after, so it couldn't have been all bad for him


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